Repair with a small budget


If the time has come for the repair of the apartment, and the funds are not enough to purchase expensive building materials, then it is quite possible to do with improvised means and at the same time the quality will not suffer. When cracks appear on the ceiling, it is not at all necessary to immediately order an expensive suspended structure, you can correct the position with the help of a tooth powder and glue. To do this, dilute the glue to the density of sour cream, add tooth powder, mix and smear the resulting cracks. The excess mass is removed with a knife or spatula. If the window glass cracked, it doesn’t matter either. Colorless varnish applied to the surface of the crack will last a couple of years, if not washed off. Now very often, with a small budget, an extra lining is used, as well as other inexpensive building materials.

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