Time, the repair will


Many can confidently say that this system will not live on our fuel for a long time, the repair will be expensive. In general, not an equal to the old proven upper diesel engines. But it is still worth checking. One of the vulnerable points of old diesel cars for the wallet is high -pressure fuel pump. In old systems on the TNVD, several functions were assigned at once. TNVD not only created pressure, but also distributed fuel through the cylinders. At the same time, the fuel and defense system was modernized every year and complicated. In the Common Rail system, the distribution function is removed from the pump. Although the system was simplified on the one hand, but on the other hand, to properly maintain pressure in the system, to ensure the desired dosage during the supply of fuel, it was required to use many sensors, mechanisms, which undoubtedly complicated it by an order of magnitude. It may have so happened that you need an evocation, in order to transfer the car? This is not a problem! For example, all the information about the Evacuator Moscow service will be found on the Avtosos website. Com. It is worth adding that it works around the clock, and not so expensive!

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