Advantages of halogen lamps


Any halogen incandescent lamp according to one principle of action can be compared with the simplest incandescent lamp. One difference between such a lamp is the fact that it contains the main amount of halogen (they may include bromine, chlorine, fluorine, etc. D.) or their compounds. That is, the halogen lamp thanks to its special additives can eliminate darkening on the flask. If we talk about the features of this design, then the size of the flask of this halogen lamp can become less, after which the pressure in the filler gas rises, while a great opportunity appears to use xenon and crypton instead of gas fillers. An unusual quartz glass is also used in this lamp, it cannot skip ultraviolet radiation, and prevents various burnouts as possible. As you understand the radiation of light, it will not spoil the interior items, which often happens when a regular incandescent lamp is used. If we talk about halogen lamps, then for their use it is not necessary to use the reflector at all, because the reflector of light is sprayed behind the flask. Therefore, all radiation of a tungsten thread rushes into a special point, with the help of light (thanks, this is not possible to dissipate around). In addition, halogen lamps subsequently long use will not lose their brightness. In the rays of the composition of such a lamp, your home interior will become more saturated and will have natural shades that will create a neutral color scheme for you.

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