Brazilian keratin hair restoration


The time has long passed when the girls, to attract the attention of men to their hairstyle, was quite easy to braid in a long braid. Today the beauty industry is on an unprecedented rise. Year after year, more and more advanced products, drugs and technical hair styling appear on the market. Fans, curling iron, hot and cold curls, straightening, styling and many more, and many more. All this makes our hair more beautiful. However, for a long time? After all, it is no secret to anyone (and manufacturers of cosmetics often do not hide this at all) that from the frequent use of all these modern innovations our hair fades, becomes brittle and lose their appearance. Naughty, weakened, split, porous hair and ends sticking out in all directions — such phenomena have long ceased to be a curiosity in our time, turning into one of the biggest problems of the fair sex.

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