How to survive Valentine’s Day as a lonely girl


You are familiar with this situation? In the morning, as usual, you are going to work, you turn on the TV at breakfast, and suddenly you learn from the news program that today the civilized world celebrates the most romantic holiday of the year — Valentine’s Day or the holiday of all lovers. On this day, people give their loved ones cards-hearts, recognition in verses, sweets and other gifts to their loved ones. In the evening, happy couples will reach in a cafe, and will eat champagne, looking at each other with languid eyes. They will go home later, and someone’s trembling hands will look for love notes hidden in the lace underwear of their chosen one. Someone, but you are alien today at this holiday of life. Having praised your mobile notebook, you understand that sending SMS to one of your former congratulations is a stupid undertaking, and from the current one — the risk of getting a perplexed surprise in response. And then the longing so carefully hidden in the depths of the soul and recognition to himself is that your destiny at the moment is loneliness — loneliness. How to survive a holiday that is not on your street?

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