In the refrigerator
Kuryatin can be boiled with spices, stew with fresh vegetables (of course not with potatoes) and bake in the oven. And how diverse and tasty are chicken salad recipes! If there is a sweet bell pepper, tomato, onions, a little cheese and boiled breast in the refrigerator — it will not be difficult for you to quickly cook a light salad with chicken for dinner. A great option for the festive table will be a fruit salad with pineapple, peach, orange and melon, seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Bleader is idle in the kitchen idle idle? Then for breakfast choose a smoothie, a modern analogue of so beloved by many cocktails. For example, a quick recipe is low -fat yogurt, kiwi, strawberries, oatmeal and ice. Try it — and this wonderful remedy for raising your mood will not leave you indifferent and easily cheer up after sleep. To consolidate the results achieved by a diet, you can also take up moderate physical activity — it is better in the company of a girlfriend, just like you are preparing to meet the beach season fully armed.