To write


Only your knowledge of a loved one and your understanding of what he lives and, as they say, breathes, can suggest how to surprise your beloved. You can’t do without it. You need to be guided by two points. Moment one: it should be that it will find a response in his soul. Moment of the second: it should be something that is not expected from you, even turning on to your entire imagination. Suppose your beloved loves poetry (yes, there are such!), and you never showed special interest in them, he never reproached you and was with understanding to your position, of course, regretting it in your soul. How to surprise your beloved in this case? If you do not want standard tours to Thailand, it is very simple — poems! Just imagine the degree of his surprise if you present him, say, the story of your acquaintance in verses. Of course, to write poetry, no, not even poems, but rhymed lines, you need, at least, dexterity, but you are not a poetess and will not require much from you, and there will be no strict critics. But the evening of surprise, joy and laughter is provided to you. As an option, you can look for programs on the Internet, writing poems or people who are for a modest fee, put on the history of your acquaintance in the mantle of poetry. Of course, this will take fantasy work and take time, but the purchase of a banal tie requires attention, and after all, a tie with verses is even stupid, of course, it is not appropriate to compare here a tie with verses, but the degree of pleasure from such a banal gift as a tie as a tie , and such an extraordinary surprise as poems.

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