Unified cell


It is partially eliminated by this drawback that are being developed in domestic and foreign practice by a number of organizations (gyprodimmontazh, gipronft-spectacle, Promotroject of the GDR, etc.) projects of the organization of installation work (POM) or the main provisions on the organization of installation work, which are an integral part of the PI, usually drawn up by the General Design Organization, as well as the application of standards that generalize the experience of work in the agreement of the projects of new equipment developed by industry ministries and factory technical conditions its manufacture, delivery and installation. During the layout of technological equipment, the initial data necessary for the development of the OKK building — configuration, number of storeys, load on the inter -story ceilings, the category of premises, hazardous areas, the placement of the «front» of the service equipment, etc. Each unified cell with equipment is the smallest component of a multi -storey frame (ebrid), carrying all its qualities. It is characterized by a deployed area, planning parameters, equipment placement in the cell volume. The cell presents all the prefabricated elements: columns (racks), crossbars, plates, etc. The overall layout of the technological equipment in the cells is presented in the form of geometrically connected centers-nizes of technological equipment (or its individual elements) and unified nets of columns. The specified layout is linked relative to the net of columns, spans and pitch of columns.

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