Useful recommendations for organizing a wedding in Georgia: what is important to think about in advance


Georgia is one of the countries especially attractive for wedding tourism. Many couples, wishing to make their main holiday unforgettable, go to Georgia.

The choice of wedding venues in this country is very extensive, and the prices for all services are moderate. You can learn more about the organization of the wedding on the to take into account all the nuances in the preparation of this event.

Rules and requirements

It is very easy for citizens of other countries to get married in Georgia, which is a fundamental factor in the development of such a popular destination as wedding tourism. A residence permit in the country is not required. Importantly, in Georgia there are no requirements for the newlyweds to belong to a particular religious denomination, which also increases the availability of marriage registration. Citizens of 94 countries can enter the country without a visa.

Preparation and registration of documents for marriage in Georgia takes minimal time, is not associated with any bureaucratic delays, which invariably surprises the newlyweds. It will take literally 1-2 days to resolve all issues with documents.

An official marriage concluded in the country is recognized as valid all over the world. Two witnesses must be present at the wedding. The age limit for marriage is from 18 years old.

Given the absence of various obstacles and bureaucratic delays, it is easy to understand why happy couples from all over the world rush to Georgia to join the knot in a picturesque country with a rich culture.

List of documents

To register a marriage in Georgia, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary documents:

  1. Passports of the bride and groom.
  2. Notarized translation of passports into Georgian.
  3. If there is a marriage in the past, you need to prepare a document on its dissolution or the death of your spouse. A certified translation of this document is also required.
  4. In the presence of young children, it is required to translate and certify their birth certificates.
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